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How to Create a Social Media Calendar

Creating an effective social media content calendar is crucial for any brand looking to enhance its digital marketing strategy. This guide will take you through the process, with insights from experts in the field. 

Step 1: Conduct a Social Media Audit 

Before building your calendar, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your current social media landscape. Analyze your accounts for impostor profiles, security, goals, target audience, and previous campaign performance. Understanding your current state, including your successes and areas for improvement, lays a solid foundation for your content strategy. 

Step 2: Choose Your Channels and Content Mix 

Deciding on the types of content to post is critical. The social media rule of thirds is a handy strategy: one-third of your posts should promote your business, another third should share curated content from thought leaders, and the final third should involve personal interaction with your audience. Neil Patel suggests the 80/20 rule where 80% of your content should engage, inform, and educate, while 20% can be used for promotions. 

Step 3: Detail Your Calendar 

Your social media calendar should include details like platform, date, time, copy, visuals, and links to assets. You may also want to note platform-specific formats and targeting information. This will vary depending on whether you are a small business or a large brand with a social team. 

Step 4: Audit Your Resources 

Assess your team’s size and skills. This audit helps in aligning your content strategy with the capabilities of your team. A well-outlined schedule allows your team to coordinate effectively on content creation, ensuring timely delivery and quality control. 

Benefits of a Social Media Calendar 

A social media calendar saves time, ensures consistency, reduces errors, and allows for more strategic planning. It helps in preparing high-quality content aligned with your business promotions and increases engagement with your audience. 

By following these steps, you can create a social media content calendar that will streamline your content strategy, enhance audience engagement, and contribute to your brand’s digital marketing success. 

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